How Do I find what Textbooks I need?


There are many ways to look up your Textbook. Please go through these steps to find the right title for you. Having the title of the book will help the librarians find your textbook faster and easily. 

  1. Check your Syllabus or Blackboard class. If you do not have access to either go to step 2
  2. If the library has a copy of your textbook, you can find it by searching in our catalog. You can find your textbook by searching for your course name, department, course number/section, or professor's name. NOTE: if the library doesn't have your textbook yet, you will need to find this information via CUNYFirst. 
  3. On CUNY First, you can find the title of your textbook within your class schedule. Log onto CUNY first and follow this path 
    1. Log into CUNY first here
      1. If you have not claimed your CUNY first account, please visit this website 
    2. Click on "Student Center"
    3. Under Academics you'll see a drop-down, click that and click "Class Schedule" - Make sure to click the >> next to the dropdown to proceed to the next page
    4. You should be seeing your class for this semester. Click on the section of each of your classes. i.e. 03 or 01 
    5. When you click on your section, you can scroll down to see what required text you will need for your class. (Note: the text requirement may be blank and indicate you do not need textbooks.) 
  4. If you do not have access to CUNY first, You may go directly to the bookstore to find your required textbooks. You will need to know the program, course number, and section to do this. 
    1. go to this website, and plug in the above information when looking for your textbooks.!

I hope this has been helpful. Please feel free to reach out to a librarian if you have further questions!

  • Last Updated May 03, 2022
  • Views 917
  • Answered By Jeffrey Delgado

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