How do I find an article?
First you will want to start at the Library website-
Next, go to the OneSearch search box. You will want to click where it says "Define Search" and choose "Peer Reviewed Articles"- this will auto populate any search to look for specifically peer-reviewed articles. These articles are the best when gathering material for research papers.
Next you will want to type in some keywords related to your search. Do not type in a question in the search bar. When thinking of keywords, its okay to think of keyword phrases like "New York City", however you must use them in quotation marks. Putting a phrase in quotation marks forces the database to search for the phrase and not each word individually.
For a more specific search, consider using two key words/phrases together and typing AND between them. For example, if I am interested in homelessness in NYC, I would type "Homeless" AND "New York City" and click search.
If you are having trouble getting started and want to speak to a librarian directly, consider calling us at (718)-368-5632 or emailing us at during open library hours. If you want to submit a ticket/question, the button is to the right of this FAQ!